
All icons on are created by ProSymbols from Noun Project, licensed under a Creative Commons By License (CC BY)
All icons are adjusted to the matters of the ZDV-homepage.

Id Card is used to represent JGU-Account.
Checklist is used to represent Anträge.
Usb Stick is used to represent Daten verwalten.
Printer is used to represent Drucken, Kopieren und Grafik.
E-Learning is used to represent E-Learning.
Server Settings is used to represent Forschung am ZDV.
Math Symbols is used to represent High Performance Computing.
Sign Post is used to represent Ihr Betriebssystem.
Wifi Signals is used to represent Internet und Netzzugang.
Collaboration is used to represent Kommunikation und Kollaboration.
Classroom is used to represent Kurse.
Networking is used to represent Server und Datenbanken.
Security Captcha is used to represent Software.
File Folders is used to represent Verwaltungsdienste.
WWW is used to represent Web-Hosting.
News is used to represent Neuigkeiten.

File Storage is used to represent Allgemeine Informationen zu Drucken und Kopieren.
File Storage is used to represent Preisliste.
Office Desk is used to represent Informationen für Mitarbeitende (Drucken und Kopieren)
Pencil Cup is used to represent Grafikdienste.

Question is used to represent all FAQs.

Photographs (title page):

081116mogon2open.jpg by Andreas Henkel
Erstsemesterbegrüßung Sommersemester 2012 by Peter Pulkowski
Hotline-1-2-scroll.png by Lukas Ahfeldt
Gruppenfoto_ZDV_Foto_Thomas-Boehm_is_version by Thomas Boehm